Treatment to fifth metatarsal fracture in football
Gomez-Bernal et al
Fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone is a common injury in professional soccer players. An 18-year-old player suffered a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the left foot during a match. A biomechanical study was performed and three plantar orthoses with different prescriptions for everyday shoes, running shoes, and football boots were designed and fabricated by subjecting the virtual 3D profile of the orthoses to the baropodometric loads of the patient using the Finite Element Method (FEM) calculation. FEM is a mathematical model is the use of calculations, models and simulations to predict and understand how an object might behave under various physical conditions. Engineers use FEM to find characteristic and vulnerabilities in their design prototypes. The use of plantar orthoses showed positive results that reduced the perception of VAS pain from 9/10 to 1/10. At the same time, a reduction of plantar pressure at the location of the lesion was observed with the use of the orthosis, allowing a rapid return to play thanks to this novel treatment.