Relational performance: A model and tool for the team behind the team
“Don’t listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions”
Albert Einstein, Physicist and founder of the theory of relativity
Introduction – the landscape
How we interact with each other matters. How well we get along matters. Small talk matters. Getting people to work better together is at the heart of high performing football teams, inside and outside the dressing room. The question is, can we transform high potential individuals (staff and players) into accomplished individuals, using their talents and strengths to the utmost? That’s a challenge we must welcome with open arms.
This article will unpack the scientifically informed and case-evidenced model of relational performance, which targets the environment and culture. Then, we will pivot to look more at the individual – where we will look at interdisciplinarity as a principle to adopt and understand why the softskills are difference makers. This will be theoretical and strategic, but also, practical, and tactical.