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FMPA Regional Networking Event

Date: 24/04/2025
Location: Sheffield United FC, Bramhall Lane, Sheffield, S2 4SU
How to Book

FMPA Members: £40.00

Non-Members: £45.00

Students: £35.00


To contact us email

Event: Everything that can be COUNTED doesn’t matter and Everything that MATTERS can’t be counted!

Date: 24th April 2025

Location: Sheffield United FC

Time: 4pm to 8.30pm


I’m sure you’re all aware that no one methodology is ever responsible for a team’s success or failures and that no one person can be an expert in or deliver on everything needed. Success depends upon communicating a philosophy of work and effective PLANNING, DELIVERY and REVIEW of key training or matchday related indicators of performance. However, there are also slightly conflicting viewpoints like “a little knowledge is dangerous!”, so how do we as members of the team behind the team ensure that there is a well co-ordinated, integrated and well learnt model of delivery to our players that is not PARALYSED by being over ANALYSED?

The aim of the previous years annual conferences was to provide some digestible concepts and case studies to help educate practitioners of aspects not directly related to their own area of expertise and also expose practitioners to alternative solutions for performance problems. The issue around accessing a formal learning event is often difficult around our work schedules, hence the initiative to launch regular regional events that are easily accessible and hopefully productive in building local practitioner relationships.

The regional events will incorporate a variety of speaker disciplines that work with player across all the phases of rehabilitation or performance enhancement processes. Furthermore, I hope to touch base on how departments can facilitate MDT communication and automate processes to reduce the DISTRACTIONS from coaching our players to facilitate greater ENGAGEMENT on an interpersonal level which ultimately is the key ingredient in ensuring a productive environment .  I hope you will enjoy the wide spectrum of information on show and the engagement of discussing in person how we as practitioners can improve our skillsets and mindsets to;

“Love working for your Athlete so that your Athlete Loves working for You”

Many Thanks

Kevin Paxton, MSc, ASCC, CSci