The Complete Guide to the Athletic ACL

Please join us in November for the Aspetar International Conference – The Complete Guide to the Athletic ACL, as well as the Advanced ACL Workshop
This is the only international conference dedicated to ACL Rehabilitation, with an international faculty of world experts in ACL rehabilitation who will focus on key factors associated with ACL rehabilitation such as biomechanical testing and analysis, development of strength and power, running and change of direction, on-field rehabilitation, recovery, sleep and nutrition. The conference will provide plenty of interactive sessions with case-study presentations and discussions with the experts.
The Advanced ACL Workshop is a “hands on” educational activity provided by Enda King and our highly skilled Aspetar ACL Rehabilitation team. It will cover aspects of injury mechanisms, assessment methods and discuss the factors that need to be assessed. It will also provide valuable information on exercise selection and prescription, as well as discussions on important factors affecting the return to play decisions.
Conference Details
- Event: Aspetar International Conference – The Complete Guide to the Athletic ACL
- Activity code: HGI-03-P122
- Date: Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th November 2023
- Time: 08:00 – 17:00 (both days)
- Fees: QR1200
- Location: Olympia Auditorium, Aspire Academy Football Excellence Center
- Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals (Physiotherapists only), Physicians, Others (Strength & Conditioning Coaches)
- Maximum number of attendees: 360
- CPD points: Maximum of 14.5 “Category 1” credit hours
Conference Overall Learning Objectives: On completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Outline the mechanism, consequences, management options and outcomes after ACL injury and reconstruction.
- Explain the physical qualities that should be considered for testing when assessing ACL reconstructed athletes and the thresholds to aim for
- Outline the current literature on rehabilitation guidelines after ACL reconstruction.
- Appraise the influence of ACL injury on motor control and show methods of influencing it during rehabilitation.
- Define the main complications after ACL reconstruction and the role of radiology in identifying them.
- Outline the factors for consideration in the restoration of strength after ACL reconstruction.
- Interview those who have undergone ACL reconstruction and rehabilitation to provide their insights in the process.
- Develop an understanding of the strategies available to restore athletic qualities after ACL reconstruction.
- Outline the components for consideration and their relationship to each other in a comprehensive ACL rehabilitation pathway.
- Illustrate factors for consideration outside of the rehabilitation setting that may influence ACL rehabilitation.
- Explain how to interpret biomechanical testing after ACLR and practical ways to influence it.
- Recommend factors for consideration when considering management of ACL injured athletes.
- Interview those stakeholders involved in ACL return to play decision making to provide insights into their thought processes
DHP Accreditation statement: This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions-Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 14.5 hours.
Workshop Details
- Event: Aspetar International Conference – Advanced ACL Workshop
- Activity code: HGI-03-P124
- Date: Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st November 2023
- Time: 08:00 – 17:00 (both days)
- Fees: QR1200
- Location: Rehabilitation Department, Aspetar Hospital
- Target Audience: Allied Health Professionals (Physiotherapists)
- Maximum number of attendees: 30
- CPD points: Maximum of 14 “Category 1” credit hours
Workshop Overall Learning Objectives: On completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Summarize the key milestones for graft healing after ACL reconstruction.
- Explain all the components that make a successful return after ACL reconstruction and identify the factors that influence them.
- Outline the mechanism of injury of ACL and how biomechanics and rehabilitation can influence re-injury risk.
- Identify all the factors that need to be assessed and addressed throughout ACL rehabilitation and how they interact with and influence each other.
- Relate the influence of exercise selection and coaching on outcomes during ACL rehabilitation.
- Identify deficits in linear running and change of direction mechanics after ACL reconstruction that will negatively affect outcomes and be able to select and coach drills to modify those deficits.
- Outline all the factors that influence a return to performance after ACL reconstruction be able to guide your athlete along that journey.
DHP Accreditation statement: This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health’s Department of Healthcare Professions-Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of 14 .0 hours.
Scientific Planning Committee: Enda King (Chair), Konstantinos Epameinontidis (Co-Chair), Rodney Whiteley, Marco Cardinale, Bashir Zikria, Marcelo Bordalo, Argyro Kotsifaki, Noor Al Marri, Catarina Macario, Joanne Lambert, Mariem Labidi, Adel Ahmed Alomari, Heloisa Jorge
The Scientific Planning Committee has reviewed all disclosed financial relationships of speakers, moderators, facilitators and/or authors in advance of the CPD activities and has implemented procedures to manage any potential or real conflicts of interest.
Registration is required to secure your spot; please note that the seats are limited.