Calum Brodie
Professional Experience
- Dundee FC
- Scotland National Teams
- BSc Health & Physical Education / Fitness
Passionate about increasing opportunities for young people and Goalkeepers.
Coming out of covid lock-down whilst studying at University, I created BGK Goalkeeping to help Goalkeepers of all ages and levels receive access to specialist support and training as well as professional quality gloves that are affordable and more durable than some of the established brands out there. We now work with hundreds of GK’s and numerous clubs across Scotland and the USA.
In Summer 2023 I graduated Abertay University with a BSC (hons) Sports Coaching and Development, with my 4th year Honours project “Exploring Social Support Networks: A Review into Current & Former Academy Goalkeepers” being published in the Football Medicine and Performance Journal, helping contribute to the growing field of Goalkeeper Research.
Always open to connect with like-minded individuals, any way I can help please get in touch.
UEFA B GK License Holder
BSC (hons) Sports Coaching & Development
First Aid Trained
Level 1 Personal Trainer